samedi 9 février 2013

Nantes, rue Honoré Broutelle

HONORE BROUTELLE (French / 1866-1929)

"Honoré Broutelle was born in Nantes in 1866. Broutelle trained as a doctor, and practised medicine from 1902-1914 until his own ill-health forced him to retire. Already an amateur poet and painter in gouache, Honoré Broutelle then took up wood engraving, in a style influenced by Gustave Moreau and the Symbolists, and also by the Pre-Raphaelites. From 1920 Broutelle illustrated many works with original wood engravings, and also exhibited a the Salon de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts and at the Salon d'Automne, of which he was a member of the jury. In 1976 the Musée Dobrée in Nantes organised a posthumous retrospective of the art of the Honoré Broutelle. See: Marthe Broutelle, Honoré Broutelle: médecin, poète, xylograph   "

Broutelle (rue Honoré)
Peintre, élève d’Élie Delaunay, poète, graveur et secrétaire de la
société littéraire Le Gai Savoir, Honoré Broutelle naquit à Nantes en
1866 et mourut en 1929. Le musée des beaux-arts possède quelques
toiles de celui qui illustra les poèmes d’Henri de Régnier (1864-1936)
extrait du livre sur les rues de Nantes de S. Pajot, publié par les éditions Dorbestier

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