mercredi 13 décembre 2017

Consul the educated monkey, le multiplicateur mécanique.

Monkey Multiplier
consul the educated monkey.jpg
Consul the educated monkey

On trouve actuellement celui représenté ci-dessus au marché de Noël de Nantes (à côté de la FNAC). Le vendeur est parfois au marché de Talensac le samedi. Avec des reproductions de jouets anciens.

"As Caitlin Wylie of the New Jersey Institute of Technology has found, a performing monkey named Consul, trained in Britain, came to the United States in 1909. Apparently he was not the first trained monkey to be given the name Consul, but seems to have been the best publicized. He performed in vaudeville shows across the country. Records in the National Cash Register (NCR) Company Collection at Dayton History indicate that the monkey visited Dayton and NCR on September 23, 1910. A surviving photograph there shows him toying with a cash register. Moreover, a short film entitled "Consul Crosses the Atlantic," released in 1909, described Consul's visit to the United States. The movie was showing in Chicago as late as 1915.
Also in 1915, William Henry Robertson, a draftsman at NCR, applied for two patents. The first, for "a calculating device," was for "a quick and simple method of finding results" on a chart. The second was for a toy using the same mechanism "to stimulate the interest of children in the study of numbers." In this second patent, the linkage took the form of a monkey. Robertson assigned both of his patents to the Educational Novelty Company of Dayton, which soon was selling Consul." lire plus sur :

Sur la construction du multiplicateur
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