mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Fluidization of discrete event models or a marriage between the discrete and the continuous

Un beau sujet. La conférence sera mise en ligne.
C'est avec plaisir que nous vous convions à assister au *Colloquium 
d'informatique UPMC Sorbonne Universités* : / /We are delighted to 
invite you to the Informatics Colloquium of UPMC Sorbonne Universités 
(/ qui aura lieu *Mardi 25 Novembre 2014* :

*Fluidization of discrete event models or a marriage between the 
discrete and the continuous*

*Manuel Silva*
Universidad de Zaragoza
Real Academia de Ingenieria
Real Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza

Ce colloquium s'adresse à un public large, et est ouvert à tous les 
chercheurs et étudiants en informatique. Présentation en anglais.  / 
/This colloquium targets a wide audience, and is open to all researchers 
and students in informatics/CS.  The presentation will be in English./
Mardi 25 Novembre 2014 à 18h
Amphithéâtre Astier - (bâtiment Esclangon)
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
4, place Jussieu (métro Jussieu)
75005 Paris

Pour s'y rendre/ /Directions/ :

La conférence sera diffusée en direct sur, et sera 
accessible en différé à partir de 
<>. /
/The presentation will be streamed live on 
/, will be 
available from / <>

===== Un cocktail est prévu à 17h15 en prélude à la conférence. /There 
will be a cocktail at 17:15 ./

*Abstract :*
Formal discrete event, hybrid and continuous representations of
systems provide “views” of their structure and behaviour in
potentially many fields of application. In information technology,
discrete event models are frequently “adequate” from a descriptive
point of view, but the so called “state explosion problem” may
eventually make their consideration not very practical.
Technically speaking, the fluidization of a discrete event model can
be viewed as a (partial) relaxation of its state “from the integers
into the reals”. From a more conceptual perspective, it can be viewed
as a change of the point of view “from the individuals to
populations”. The goal of such kind of relaxation or change of the
point of view may be to reduce the computational complexity of the
algorithms for certain analysis and synthesis problems, eventually to
make decidable some properties.
Taking Petri Nets as a well-known and expressive family of formalisms
for discrete event “views”, the presentation will introduce the
fluidization and focus on new analysis and synthesis possibilities, as
much as on the price paid for that.

*Short Bio :*
Manuel Silva received the Industrial–Chemical Engineering degree from
the University of Sevilla (1974) and the Ph.D. degree from the INP de
Grenoble (1978). From 1975 to 1978, he worked for the CNRS at the
Laboratoire d’Automatique de Grenoble. In 1978 he started the group of
Systems Engineering and Computer Science at the University of
Zaragoza, where he has been dean of the School of Engineering (1986-1992).
Prof. Silva has been distinguished with a medal from the city of Lille
(France) and by the Association of Telecommunication Engineers of
Aragón. He is Honoris Causa Doctorate by the University of
Reims-Champagne-Ardennes, member of the Royal Academy of Engineering
of Spain, and member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Zaragoza.

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