lundi 9 septembre 2024

La débroussailleuse à fléaux (Flail Mower)

 Je connaissais le fléau, normal, ma mémé d'Excideuil est une Virefléau. Et j'ai vu battre le fléau à Santorin. A moins que ce soit à Egine en Grèce.

La débroussailleuse à fléaux est-ce le même système que les broyeurs d'accotements qui permettent de "tondre" les bords des routes et les fossés ? 

Avec ce qu'on a vécu cette année 2024 c'est ce qu'il me faut !


What is Flail Mover*?

Flail mowers are useful for tough jobs, such as cutting grass on uneven ground, cutting high grass, weeds and even brush or mowing in areas that have debris and rocks. A flail mower does not throw grass; instead it cuts grass finely, almost pulverizing it, and leaves the cuttings on the ground. The teeth or flail blades, also called knives, are short pieces of metal attached to an axle that turns rapidly, cutting grass and other plants. A flail mower can be mounted on the front, back or side of a compact, garden or farm tractor. For the best results, the horsepower rating of the flail mower gear box needs to match or be compatible with the horsepower of the tractor. Some flail mowers require a tractor to have a minimum of 25 horsepower, which some garden tractors have."

* mover ? ou mower ?

The flail mower gets its name from the use of flails attached to its rotating horizontal drum (also called tube, rotor, or axle). Many implement companies also refer to the flails as knives, blades or hammers.[1] The rows of flails are usually staggered to give a continuous cut for reduced wear on the machine. The flails are attached to the drum using chain links or brackets, depending on the manufacturer. The rotating drum is parallel to the axle of the tractor. The PTO driveshaft along the tractor's axis must make a right angle through the use of a gearbox in order to transfer its rotational energy to the drum. As the drum rotates, centrifugal force pushes the flails outward.

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