Pour ceux qui s'intéressent au "vote électronique", une
conférence de notre collègue Steve Schneider
BCS-FACS Evening Seminar Series
Secure Electronic Voting
Professor Steve Schneider
University of Surrey
3 March 2008
BCS London Offices
First Floor, The Davidson Building
5 Southampton Street
London WC2E 7HA
Elections need to be trustworthy, and
to be seen to be trustworthy, in
order for the electorate to have confidence
in their outcomes. The
introduction of technology into the electoral
process brings potential
new benefits, but may also increase the
risk that accidental flaws
or security weaknesses in the equipment
eave an election open
to tampering. Voting systems, whether
run manually or on machines,
should provide voters with the ability
to cast a private vote, and to have
confidence that their vote is really included
in the final tally.
The Prêt à Voter electronic voting system
is designed to provide these
properties, and some further ones known
as end-to-end verifiability, not
currently present in standard UK elections:
a receipt for the voters so
that they can check their vote has been
included in the tally, and can
prove if it has not; and publication of
the votes so that the count can
be independently checked. This is achieved
by making public all
the stages in the processing of the votes,
enabling the election to be
audited independently. All this is possible
while maintaining secrecy
of the vote. Although electronic support
for the election is necessary,
the electronic components do not themselves
need to be trusted
because their outputs can be independently
audited. This talk
discusses the issues involved in electronic
voting systems, describes
the Prêt à Voter approach to electronic
voting, and introduces the
implementation of the system developed
at the University of Surrey
in conjunction with the University of
Newcastle in 2007.
Refreshments will be served from 5.15pm.
The seminar is free of charge and open
to everyone. If you would like
to attend, please email Paul Boca
[Paul.Boca@googlemail.com] by
>>> 28 February 2008 <<< .
Pre-registration is required, as the BCS
requires us to provide an attendance
list in advance of the seminar.
BCS-FACS Website: http://www.bcs-facs.org
BCS-FACS Evening Seminars:
Location of venue:
En direct, guerre au Proche-Orient : tir de deux fusées éclairantes près du
domicile de Benyamin Nétanyahou
Deux fusées éclairantes ont atterri devant la résidence privée du premier
ministre israélien, qui n’était pas sur les lieux, ont annoncé samedi les
Il y a 2 heures
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